How I rate things

You know how steam kinda has, a really minimalist, arguably oversimplistic binary rating system of thumbs up and thumbs down?

I'm gonna steal it, and add an extra third category

I'll disregard scores out of ten, percentage scores, rating a thing by its manifold categories like rewatchability/readability or like how much does it tickle my fingers or trigger my urge to eat icecream out of ten, because realistically, how useful is overt complexity and intricacy?

So: Three categories, taking the object holistically, as it is

CATEGORY ONE: (B) Thoroughly average/good. Unremarkable, or with few areas of execellece. Most things will sit here.
CATEGORY TWO: (C) Avoid if possible. Fatally flawed in some way, or in all the ways. Not worth your time.
CATEGORY THREE: (A) Very very good. Stands out from (B).

That's it! A, B, and C.

Obviously my rating will be biased etc etc etc, make of them what you will, take with handful of salt and spread it in circles

Addendum! (X) means a previous rating, now overwritten after consideration and rumination. I aspire to keep selfcorrecting to a minimum

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